src/ApplicationBundle/Resources/views/modals/input_forms/verify_otp_modal.html.twig line 1

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  1. <style>
  2.     #verifyOtpModal .otp_in
  3.     {
  4.         width: 24% !important;;
  5.         font-size: 3rem !important;
  6.         text-align: center !important;
  7.     }
  8.     /* Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera */
  9.     #verifyOtpModal input::-webkit-outer-spin-button,
  10.     #verifyOtpModal input::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
  11.         -webkit-appearance: none;
  12.         margin: 0;
  13.     }
  14.     /* Firefox */
  15.     #verifyOtpModal input[type=number] {
  16.         -moz-appearance: textfield;
  17.     }
  18.     .otp_ajax_form_submit {
  19.         width: 100%;
  20.         margin-left: 0%;
  21.         border-radius: 4px;
  22.         font-size: 14px;
  23.         font-weight: 600;
  24.         background: #DDDDDD !important;
  25.         color: #737373 !important;
  26.         font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
  27.         text-transform: initial !important;
  28.     }
  29.     .otp_ajax_form_submit.ready {
  30.         background: #1d5b9e !important;
  31.         color: white !important;;
  32.     }
  33. </style>
  34. <div class="modal fade" id="verifyOtpModal" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel"
  35.      aria-hidden="true">
  36.     <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered">
  37.         <div class="modal-content">
  38.             <div class="modal-body">
  39.                 <div class="row login-section">
  40.                     <div class="col-md-12 login-inputs-modal" style="padding:1rem 1rem;">
  41.                     <h2 style="text-align: center;
  42.                     color:#1D5B9E;font-size: 30px;font-weight: 600;">Enter OTP</h2>
  43.                     <p class="message_text" style="    margin: 0;
  44.     text-align: center;
  45.     color: #eb9f9f;"></p>
  46.                     <p style="    margin: 0; font-size: 13px;;
  47.     text-align: center;
  48.     ;">An OTP was sent to your email address.</p>
  49.                     {#<h6 style="margin: 40px 0 10px;color: #615A5A;">Login With:</h6>#}
  50.                     {#<h6 style="margin: 8px 0 10px;color: #615A5A;">An OTP was sent to your email address.</h6>#}
  51.                     <form action="" id="otp_ajax_form" method="post">
  52.                         {#<div class="email-input" style="margin-top: 10px">#}
  53.                             {#<div class="email-title" style="text-align: center;"><label for="" style="margin-top: 0px;position: inherit;background: white; font-size: 1.5rem;" >Enter OTP</label></div>#}
  54.                         {#</div>#}
  55.                         <div class="email-input" style="margin-top: 10px;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;">
  56.                             <input type="number" id="otp_in_1" name="otp_in_1" placeholder="" maxlength="1"  required data-prev-id="_NONE_" data-next-id="2"
  57.                                    class="otp_in otp_in_1">
  58.                             <input type="text" id="otp_in_2" name="otp_in_2" placeholder="" maxlength="1" required data-prev-id="1" data-next-id="3"
  59.                                    class="otp_in otp_in_2">
  60.                             <input type="text" id="otp_in_3" name="otp_in_3" placeholder="" maxlength="1"  required data-prev-id="2" data-next-id="4"
  61.                                    class="otp_in otp_in_3">
  62.                             <input type="text" id="otp_in_4" name="otp_in_4" placeholder="" maxlength="1" data-prev-id="3" data-next-id="_NONE_" required
  63.                                    class="otp_in otp_in_4">
  64.                             <input type="hidden" id="otp" name="otp" placeholder="otp"  required maxlength="4"
  65.                                    class="input_field">
  66.                             <div class="eye-onoff">
  67.                                 {#<p class=" small_error_text email">Pikachu</p>#}
  68.                                 <i class="fas fa-times small_error_icon email"></i>
  69.                             </div>
  70.                             <p class=" small_error_text email"></p>
  71.                         </div>
  72.                         {#<div class="email-input" style="margin-top: 10px">#}
  73.                         {#<div class="email-title"><label for="" style="margin-top: 38px;" >Email</label></div>#}
  74.                         {#<input type="text" id="username" name="username" placeholder="Username" data-field-type="username"#}
  75.                         {#required#}
  76.                         {#class="input_field username checkIfExists {{ errorField=='username'?'error_class':'' }}">#}
  77.                         {#<div class="eye-onoff">#}
  78.                         {#<i class="fas fa-check small_error_icon username"></i>#}
  79.                         {#</div>#}
  80.                         {#<p class=" small_error_text username"></p>#}
  81.                         {#</div>#}
  82.                         {#<div class="form-check" style="margin-top: 20px;">#}
  83.                         {#<a style="float: right;font-size: 14px;#}
  84.                         {#color: #615A5A;" href="">Forgot your password?</a>#}
  85.                         {#</div>#}
  86.                         <h6 style="    margin: 10px 0 10px;
  87.     color: #615A5A;
  88.     font-size:12px;
  89.     text-align: center;"><span id="otpExpireTextPrefix">The OTP will expire</span> <span style="" id="otpExpireText" class="  time convert_to_moment_time"
  90.                                                    data-moment-ts-format="_today_or_date_"
  91.                                                    data-moment-ts="0"></span> <a class="resend_otp_button" style="display: inline-block;"
  92.                                                                                                  href="#"> Resend OTP</a></h6>
  93.                         <button type="submit" class="otp_ajax_form_submit" style="">Proceed
  94.                         </button>
  95.                     </form>
  96.                     </div>
  97.                 </div>
  98.             </div>
  99.             {#<div class="modal-footer">#}
  100.             {#</div>#}
  101.         </div>
  102.     </div>
  103. </div>
  104. <script>
  105.     var otpModalInitiated=0;
  106.     var verifyOtpModal=0;
  107.     function initiateOtpModal(){
  108.         verifyOtpModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('verifyOtpModal'), {
  109.             keyboard: false
  110.         });
  112.         otpModalInitiated=1;
  113.     }
  114.     function triggerOtpVerification(options,callback)
  115.     {
  116.         options=options||{
  117.                 };
  118.         var data={
  119.         }
  120.         if(otpModalInitiated==0)
  121.                 initiateOtpModal();
  122.         callback(data);
  123.     }
  124. </script>