src/ApplicationBundle/Resources/views/pages/consultancy/event_list_page.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
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  184. </style>
  185. <section class="consultant-section">
  186.     {% set countries_data='_HAS_CONSULTANT_'|getCountriesBuddyBee('object') %}
  187.     {% set language_list='_ALL_'|getLanguagesBuddyBee('object') %}
  188.     <div class="consultant-title">
  189.         <div class="container">
  190.             <div class="row mb-5">
  191.                 <div class="col-md-3"></div>
  192.                 <div class="col-md-6" style="position: relative;text-align: center">
  193.                     <h2>All Events</h2>
  194.                 </div>
  195.                 <div class="col-md-3"></div>
  196.             </div>
  197.         </div>
  198.     </div>
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  208.             </div>
  209.         </div>
  210.     </div>
  211. </section>
  212. {% include '@Application/footer/buddybee_new_footer.html.twig' %}
  213. <script type="text/javascript"
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  215. <script>
  216.     var countries_data ={{ countries_data|json_encode()|raw() }}
  217.     var language_list ={{ language_list|json_encode()|raw() }}
  218.     var skipEventIds ={{ skipEventIds|json_encode()|raw() }}
  219.     var attendingEventIds ={{ attendingEventIds|json_encode()|raw() }}
  220.     var followingEventIds ={{ followingEventIds|json_encode()|raw() }}
  221.     var topic_conditional_string = ""
  222.     var config = {
  223.         'mainTableAlias': "mainTable",
  224.         'mainTableClass': "CompanyGroupBundle:EntityCreateTopic",
  225.         'mainTableIdField': "Id",
  226. //                'otherConditions': " (mainTable.CompanyId=1 and mainTable.status=1) ",
  227. //        'otherConditions': " ( mainTable.isConsultant=1 and mainTable.accountStatus=1  ) ",
  228.         {% set THIS_USER_ID= 0 %}
  229.         {% if (session[UserConstants.USER_ID] is defined ) %}
  230.         {% set THIS_USER_ID =session[UserConstants.USER_ID] %}
  231.         {% endif %}
  232.         'otherConditions': " ( mainTable.isEvent=1) ",
  233.         'dateFieldsToStr': ['createdAt'],
  234.         'dateFieldsToStrFormat': ['m-d-Y h:i'],
  235.         'convertToObjectFields': [],
  236.         'skipColumnNames': [],
  237.         'flagColNames': [],
  238.         columns:[
  239.             {
  240.                 name: 'mainTable.eventStartDateTs',
  241.                 search:{
  242.                     value:'',
  243.                     regex:false
  244.                 }
  245.             }
  246.         ],
  247.         'order': [
  248.             {
  249.                 "column": "0",
  250.                 "dir": "desc",
  251.             }
  252.         ],
  253.         'flagConversionByCols': {},
  254.         'joinTableList': [
  255. //            {
  256. //                'tableClass': "CompanyGroupBundle\\Entity\\EntityApplicantDetails",
  257. //                'tableAlias': "consultantTable",
  258. //                'onField': 'applicantId',
  259. //                "onMainTableField": "applicantId",
  260. //                "fields": {
  261. //                    //'alisaFiled':'actiual field Name'
  262. //                    'consultantFirstName': 'firstname',
  263. //                    'consultantLastName': 'lastname',
  264. //                    'consultantImage': 'image',
  265. //
  266. //                }
  267. //            },
  268. //                    {
  269. //                        'tableClass': "CompanyGroupBundle\\Entity\\EntityApplicantDetails",
  270. //                        'tableAlias': "studentTable",
  271. //                        'onField': 'applicantId',
  272. //                        "onMainTableField": "studentId",
  273. //                        "fields": {
  274. //                            //'alisaFiled':'actiual field Name'
  275. //                            'studentFirstName': 'firstname',
  276. //                            'studentLastName': 'lastname',
  277. //                            'studentImage': 'image',
  278. //
  279. //                        }
  280. //                    },
  281.         ],
  282.         'returnJson': 1,
  283.         'getUnitListFlag': 1
  284.     }
  285.     var pika = null;
  286.     function refresh_filter() {
  287.         var new_other_cond = "( mainTable.isEvent=1  )";
  288.         {#{% if topicId !=0 %}#}
  289.         {#new_other_cond+=" ) and mainTable.preferredTopicIdsAsConsultant like '%\"{{ topicId }}\"%'   ) ";#}
  290.         {#{% else %}#}
  291. //        new_other_cond += " ) "
  292.         {#{% endif %}#}
  293.         config.otherConditions = new_other_cond;
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  298.                 dataSource: "{{ url('generic_datatable_ajax_company_group') }}?dataTableQry=1",
  299.                 locator: 'data',
  300.                 //    totalNumberLocator: function(response) {
  301.                 //        // you can return totalNumber by analyzing response content
  302.                 //        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000 - 100)) + 100;
  303.                 //    },
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  309.                     // you can return totalNumber by analyzing response content
  310.                     return response.totalObjectsCount != 0 ? (response.totalObjectsCount) : 0;
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  317.                     beforeSend: function () {
  318.                         //            dataContainer.html('Loading data from ...');
  319.                     },
  320.                     "type": 'POST',
  321.                     "data": {
  322.                         returnJson: 1,
  323.                         config: config
  324. //                           sessionData: sessionData,
  325. //                           getUnitListFlag:getUnitListFlag
  326.                     }
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  329.                     // template method of yourself
  330.                     var html = "";
  331.                     // alert('working')
  332.                     //    console.log(data)
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  334. //                    alert("Finished animating");
  335.                     });
  336.                     for (var k = 0; k < data.length; k++) {
  337.                         var row_here = data[k]
  338.                         html += '<div class="consultant-bio d-flex justify-content-between  col-md-3" onclick="return 0;window.location.href=\'{{ path('consultant_profile') }}/' + + '\'"> ' +
  339.                                 '<div class="consultant-bio-left" > ' +
  340.                                 '<div class="consultant-bio-img"> ' +
  341.                                 '<div style="background:url(' + row_here.mainTable.topicImage + '); "class="cons_image_view"></div> ' +
  342.                                 '</div> ' +
  343.                                 '</div> ' +
  344.                                 '<div class="consultant-bio-right" style="min-height:8rem;"><h3>' + row_here.mainTable.topicName + '</h3>' +
  345.                                 '<p><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> ' + row_here.mainTable.address + '</p>' +
  346.                                 '<p><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> <span class="convert_to_moment_time" data-moment-ts-format="DD/MM/YYYY" data-moment-ts="' + row_here.mainTable.eventStartDateTs + '">15/01/2023</span> &nbsp;&nbsp; <i class="fa fa-clock"></i> <span class="convert_to_moment_time" data-moment-ts-format="HH:mm" data-moment-ts="' + row_here.mainTable.eventStartDateTs + '">11:00 AM</span> </p>' +
  347.                                 '<div class="row" style="padding-top: 10px;">' +
  348.                                 ' <div class="col-md-12" style="text-align: left;display: flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content: space-between; ">' +
  349.                                 '<button type="button" style="" class="btn btn-event-action btn-event-save btn-default '+(followingEventIds.indexOf(!=-1?'saved':'')+' btn-event-save_' + + '" data-event-id="' + + '">'+(followingEventIds.indexOf(!=-1?'Saved':'Save')+'' +
  350.                                 '</button>' +
  351.                                 '<button type="button" style="" class="btn btn-event-action btn-event-going  btn-default '+(attendingEventIds.indexOf(!=-1?'going':'')+' btn-event-going_' + + '" data-event-id="' + + '">'+(attendingEventIds.indexOf(!=-1?'Going':'Attend')+'' +
  352.                                 '</button>' +
  353.                                 '</div>' +
  354.                                 '</div>' +
  355.                                 '</div>' +
  356.                                 '</div>'
  357.                     }
  358.                     //    console.log(data)
  359.                     $('.pList').html(html);
  360.                     refresh_moment_times();
  361.                 }
  362.             })
  363.     }
  364.     $(document).ready(function () {
  365.         var lastViewedConsultantListStr = window.localStorage.getItem('lvcl');
  366.         var lastViewedConsultantList = [];
  367.         if (lastViewedConsultantListStr != 'null' && lastViewedConsultantListStr != null)
  368.             lastViewedConsultantList = JSON.parse(lastViewedConsultantListStr);
  369.         $('.consFilter').change(function () {
  370.             refresh_filter()
  371. //            op
  372.         })
  373.         $(document).on('click', '.btn-event-save', function (e) {
  374.             e.preventDefault();
  375.             var newStatus=$(this).hasClass('saved')? 0:1;
  376.             $.ajax({
  377.                 url: BaseURL + "mark_buddybee_event",
  378.                 type: 'POST',
  379.                 dataType: 'json',
  380.                 data: {
  381.                     relId: $(this).data('eventId'),
  382.                     eventId: $(this).data('eventId'),
  383.                     applicantId: {{ applicantId }},
  384.                     followStatus: newStatus,
  385.                     attendingStatus: "_UNCHANGED_",
  386.                 },
  387.                 error: function () {
  388.                     // callback();
  389.                 },
  390.                 success: function (res) {
  391.                     ;
  392.                     // $('#').val(res.);
  393.                     if (res.success == true) {
  394.                         if(res.followStatus==1) {
  395.                             $('.btn-event-save_' + res.relId).addClass('saved')
  396.                             $('.btn-event-save_' + res.relId).text('Saved')
  397.                         }
  398.                         else {
  399.                             $('.btn-event-save_' + res.relId).removeClass('saved')
  400.                             $('.btn-event-save_' + res.relId).text('Save')
  401.                         }
  402. //                        swal("Success", "Done!", "success");
  403.                     }
  404.                     else {
  405.                         if(res.applicantId==0) {
  406.                             swal("Oops", "You need to Login to perform this action!", "warning");
  407.                         }
  408.                         else {
  409.                             swal("Oops", "Could not perform the action!", "error");
  410.                         }
  411.                     }
  412.                 }
  413.             });
  414.         })
  415.         $(document).on('click', '.btn-event-going', function (e) {
  416.             e.preventDefault();
  417.             var newStatus=$(this).hasClass('going')? 0:1;
  418.             $.ajax({
  419.                 url: BaseURL + "mark_buddybee_event",
  420.                 type: 'POST',
  421.                 dataType: 'json',
  422.                 data: {
  423.                     relId: $(this).data('eventId'),
  424.                     eventId: $(this).data('eventId'),
  425.                     applicantId: {{ applicantId }},
  426.                     followStatus: "_UNCHANGED_",
  427.                     attendingStatus: newStatus,
  428.                 },
  429.                 error: function () {
  430.                     // callback();
  431.                 },
  432.                 success: function (res) {
  433.                     ;
  434.                     // $('#').val(res.);
  435.                     if (res.success == true) {
  436.                         if(res.attendingStatus==1) {
  437.                             $('.btn-event-going_'+res.relId).addClass('going')
  438.                             $('.btn-event-going_'+res.relId).text('Going')
  439.                         }
  440.                         else {
  441.                             $('.btn-event-going_'+res.relId).removeClass('going')
  442.                             $('.btn-event-going_'+res.relId).text('Attend')
  443.                         }
  444. //                        swal("Success", "Done!", "success");
  445.                     }
  446.                     else {
  447.                         if(res.applicantId==0) {
  448.                             swal("Oops", "You need to Login to perform this action!", "warning");
  449.                         }
  450.                         else {
  451.                             swal("Oops", "Could not perform the action!", "error");
  452.                         }
  453.                     }
  454.                 }
  455.             });
  456.         })
  457.         refresh_filter()
  458.         $(document).mouseup(function (e) {
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  461.             if (! && container.has( === 0) {
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  463.             }
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  465.         $('.filter_div_btn').click(function (e) {
  466.             e.preventDefault();
  467.             $('.filter_div_content').toggle()
  468.         })
  469.     });
  470.     function refresh_moment_times() {
  471.         $('.convert_to_moment_time').each(function (ind, elem) {
  472.             var moment_time = moment.unix($(elem).attr('data-moment-ts'));
  473.             //    console.log($(elem).attr('data-moment-ts'));
  474.             var format = $(elem).attr('data-moment-ts-format');
  475.             var toReplaceStr = '';
  476.             if (format == '_today_or_date_') {
  477.                 toReplaceStr = moment_time.fromNow()
  478.             }
  479.             else {
  480.                 toReplaceStr = moment_time.format(format)
  481.             }
  482.             $(elem).text(toReplaceStr)
  483.         });
  484.     }
  485. </script>
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